Thursday, June 16, 2011

Good Bye Yaris! Hello, Beast!

I am like my Dad when it comes to buying a car I want. It only took me three years to buy an SUV. I remember seeing the FJ Cruisers when I first went to buy my Yaris. I thought about getting one, I didn't. The Yaris has served me well. It has been to the desert, the beach, Dubai and Abu Dhabi. This year I upgraded to the FJ Cruiser that I was eyeing when I first arrived. One of my friends saw it and said it was a wanna-be hummer. I thought the same thing too, but it is less obnoxious and oh so functional for Oman. Best thing about it, I would never own a car like this if I didn't live in Oman.
What finally made me make the switch? Opportunity knocked. I had a friend leaving Oman, sad. But he was selling his car and he was more than thrilled to sell it to a grateful owner, thats me! I Christened it by taking it to Sifah Beach. It proved itself in the deep sand. It fit four three of my friends and our camping gear.

A few weeks later, I took it to Jebel Akdhar twice. Then I lent it to a friend to take it back to the mountain. He was so excited! Another Beast follower. His snapshot is below.

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